Nestled squarely in the heart of East Los Angeles is a nonprofit proudly serving three of the oldest neighborhoods of Los Angeles. Hollenbeck PAL is an organization on a mission to heal its community by providing a safe environment during non-school hours for kids ages 10-17.
Founded in 1992 by the Hollenbeck division of the Los Angeles Police Department and community residents in response to the increase in juvenile crimes, Hollenbeck PAL offers several programs: career development (PAL-UP), sports recreation and leadership skills. The cornerstone of the organization is the 12-week Diversion program, which offers a comprehensive curriculum, conflict resolution and communication techniques for parents and their children. While participating, parents are required to attend weekly sessions. The program covers several core areas: delinquency and crime prevention, financial literacy and fitness and nutrition.
“The PAL program can have a huge impact on the trajectory of a kid’s life,” says Donald Levier, associate director of Hollenbeck PAL’s Leadership and Development department. “Many of the youth in our community deal with trauma. By giving them the tools to help cope with and work through what they have been through, it can have an immeasurable impact on their lives.”
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